
Provide turnkey technology for vascular screening


Unique technologies for recovery of damaged brain


Unique innovative technologies for restoration of vessels and brain


Innovations in medical technologies

A term “medical technologies” now is used everyday both by physicians and engineers-designers of medical techniques.

It reflects an approach to creation of not only medical techniques, namely complex:

  • a technical device for vital visualization,
  • a methodology of obtaining primary information,
  • software product for processing of primary information with application of tested algorithms and certain analytical approaches to the analysis of the obtained data.

From the economic point of view

today’s capital investments in finished medical technologies tomorrow will return hundredfold by

  • effective treatment of patients,
  • time reduction of diagnostics,
  • efficiency of treatment,
  • diminishing of patient’s stay at the hospital bunk in stationary treatment.


Effective treatment applying up-to-date innovative medical technologies can become the basic criterion of competitiveness of medical establishments at the market of medical services of Ukraine.

Technologies of the improved visualization and high-resolution with algorithms of clinical interpretation, which will nourish clinical thought of diagnosticians, must become in basis of new medical technologies.

Only then a medical technique will be adequately and rationally used for needs and for the good of patients.


The human is a motive power of economic development on the state. The healthy human. Therefore innovative processes must be immediately applied for the health improvement of our population – the medicine.

We and our relatives feel on ourselves catastrophic state of the health protection system in Ukraine.

So where one can get those innovations which would help the medicine?
What must they be?
Who will assist and not to interfere to implement them?

Today Ukrainian medical establishments in towns and regions, sometimes and in districts are equipped by medical techniques.
However often such devices are only like beautiful interior, because of lack of corresponding technologies of their application.
Consequently, if diagnostics and then treatment process are effective, it is necessary to create (or to apply already existing) corresponding innovative medical technologies without which a device for a doctor can remain only a riddle.

For years independence a large contribution to development and introduction of medical innovations was brought in by private scientific medical enterprises, which efforts were not only supported by the state but also infringed upon in every way.
In spite of this, Ukraine has Ukrainian developments – new medical technologies – which are successfully used for diagnostics and treatment in private medical establishments.

Importance of such developments is in the fact that for many years they successfully prove their necessity and actually were tested for innovativeness.
Unfortunately, there are only single examples of application of these innovations in state medicine.


Appearance of innovative medical technologies requires:
1) revision of out-of-date conceptual models of pathogeny of many illnesses,
2) changes of mentality of doctors, id est rejecting of stiff conservative looks,
3) perception and introduction in practical activity of the fundamentally new approaches to diagnostics.


Let we describe  an innovative method – smart capillaroscopy – as an example.

It’s a perspective method of contacless, rapid and safe diagnosctics of microcirculation in vivo. The monitor shows capillaries, venules and arterioles that is an indicator for adequate functioning of the whole cardiovascular system: heart-arteries-capillaries-venes- heart.

Smart optic capillaroscopy

inotech5Owing to this the method has large application: psychoneurology, therapy, angiology, endocrinology etc., for sportsmen, healthy people, insurence medicine and medicien of catastrophes for screening of the cardiovascular system.

The capllaroscopy excludes misdiagnosing, high prediction of a disease deveopment, qualitative and quatitative assessment of the therapy.


Today ? of Ukrainian population is suffering from cardiovascular pathologies and it causes death in 62.5% cases; that is much higher than in the developed countries. Recently ischemic heart disease increases in Ukraine from 10 thousands to more than 20 thousands per 100 thousands of the population. And more than 5 mln patients with hypertonic disease are registered in Ukraine.
Occupying first place by spreading cardiovascular diseases cause more than a half of all deaths and one third of disability, mainly due to uncompensated cardiovascular conditions – heart attacks and strokes (according to statistics from WHO and Ministry of Health of Ukraine).

The experience of the private scientific center “Veritas” and active application of developments in practice by the Clinic of Healthy Vessels has shown that innovative technologies in Ukraine  develop due to autoinvestment of private enterprises and are commercialised on the level of a microeconomic business-model.

Angioarchitectonics Medical Technology    

  • Working out mathematical models of different-calibre architectonic type with calculations of hydraulic shock risk in case of atypical formation of arterial bed’s architectonics.
  • Developing methodology for investigation and evaluation of architectonics requiring further works in the form of software for arterial U/S and MRI-technologists
  • Developing algorithms of venous macroangioarchitectonics assessment.


MacroPotok Medical Technology 

  • Mathematical modeling in analysis of circulatory processes in vivo
  • Development of mathematical models of multi-vector approach to structure and functioning of cardiovascular system
  • Working out experimental models of vascular system’s response in health and disease
  • Analytical approaches to systemic evaluation of circulatory disorders on regional level and in whole
  • Correlational analysis of hemodynamic changes in dynamics with feedback effect

Medical technology for vascular screening  

  • Developing mathematical models in creation of optical system for non-invasive acquisition of static and dynamic images of microcirculation in vivo
  • Designing mathematical models of microcirculation and hemodynamics in small vessels
  • Mathematical models for algorithms of “in health and disease” screening on microcirculatory level
  • Software for primary and analytical clinical data processing


Starting from 2000 the technology has been developed by: medical-and-technical of Ulyana Lushchyk, experts from NTUU “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Cybernetics Institute
It was developed software and hardware and also method for image interpretation.
For 2005 – 2013 nearly 7000 patients has been diagnosed with the technology.

We are sure that Ukrainian innovative medical technologies first of all must be used for the improvement of the state of our medicine.
For rapid implementation of such approach the state must create the special program of search, support and introduction of these innovations in the health protection of Ukraine.

An image of an innovative process in medicine

  • Therefore in case of favourable state microclimate any innovative technologies have a great chance on commercialization at the level of macroeconomic model within not only of our state but also in the world market.
  • For this purpose it is necessary to create state innovative centers and centers for enterprise’s support, which would work on principle of paying for a result, id est not for a right for participating in a project, and for end-point of the got income.
  • In addition, it is necessary fully to change public opinion in relation to ignoring the right of intellectual ownership, it is necessary to form an innovative culture and to prepare specialists in area of innovative technologies at state level .
  • Thus, the venture capitalism of commercialization of scientific projects allows the state to be innovative, protecting interests of developers and owners of intellectual technologies.

As a result all participants win:

  • a developer gets payment for the work and creates a next new product,
  • the state at macroeconomic level gets positive balance and income for further development and subsequent investments,
  • medical establishments get modern effective technologies which provide quality and evidentialness of medical services.