
Provide turnkey technology for vascular screening


Unique technologies for recovery of damaged brain


Unique innovative technologies for restoration of vessels and brain



 Macroeconomic policy ON DEVELOPMENT AND USAGE of knowledge economy in the setting of highly creative people of Ukraine

Ukraine cannot have future without the scientific front that must go before an enterprise on microlevel and before the country on macrolevel.

 Knowledge economy is a new trend of society in the post-industrial era.

Today we have the informational era. It means that economy will develop not using industries but information, knowledge and intellect.
Ukraine should understand its competitive advantage – intellectual potential of creative Ukrainian people can largely improve the state budget using the rational management of nonmaterial resources of scientists.
Talent management in Ukraine today is a scientific competitiveness of the country tomorrow.

Ministry of Education and Science and Academy of Sciences must be a provider of scientific achievements of Ukrainian scientists and bring innovative technologies to the world market. Ukraine has all the chances to become a country of knowledge distribution in view of the high intellectual potential of the modern labor generation – graduates of the 70-80s.


Innovative policy of the country
Ukraine should reconsider current approaches to educational system seeing that we stopped to grow the scientific potential of Ukraine.